Veteran’s Treatment Court (VTC) is a type of specialty court geared toward veterans who have committed low-level crimes and have mental health or substance use issues. VTC provides an alternative to incarceration. Veterans choosing to use VTC are offered mental health counseling and can be connected to various community-based services, as well as local, state, and federal agencies specializing in veterans’ affairs. These resources can help veterans with job training and placement, as well as housing and transportation. Participation in VTC is voluntary. Upon successful completion of the program, which generally takes14 to 18 months depending on the criminal charge, veterans can typically have their record cleared of the relevant criminal convictions, have charges dropped or reduced, avoid incarceration, or receive a reduced term of probation. If a participant fails to meet the requirements of the program (e.g., disobeys court orders or fails a drug screening), he or she is typically subjected to court sanctions, which may include community service, fines, jail time, or transfer out of the VTC back to a traditional criminal court. The Veterans Treatment Court Probation Unit has a dedicated Probation Officer assigned to assist veterans during their interim sentence in helping them achieve their goals while holding them accountable. The Probation Officer works very closely with the Court’s Problem Solving Unit case manager. Many benefits of VTC have been cited, including reduced recidivism, alcohol and drug use, housing stability, enhanced opportunities for employment, improved relationships with friends and family, and improved mental health.